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কারিগরি টুকিটাকি – ০১

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nostro-vostro account
Arrangement in which two correspondent banks (in different countries) keep a local currency account for one another

August 9, 2017

Chemical issue : EMISSION TO AIR
SOx (Sulfur Oxides), NOx (Nitrogen Oxides), Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs), Ozone
Depleting Substances (ODSs), Toxic Air Pollutants (e.g. associated with solvents, adhesives), Lead, Carbon Monoxide, Water Vapor and Steam.

Waste water Related subject:
• total suspended solids content (TSS);
• chemical oxygen demand (COD);
GHG : greenhouse gas
GSV Report : Global security verification Report.

Starch : A complex carbohydrate found chiefly in seeds, fruits, tubers, roots and stem pith of plants, notably in corn, potatoes, wheat, and rice; an important foodstuff and used otherwise especially in adhesives and as fillers and stiffeners for paper and textiles.
Creora (Hyosung), is using in Ha-meem Denim
previously a part of DuPont), Elaspan (also Invista), Acepora (Taekwang), Creora (Hyosung), INVIYA (Indorama Corporation), ROICA and Dorlastan (Asahi Kasei)

In environmental chemistry, the chemical oxygen demand (COD) is an indicative measure of the amount of oxygen that can be consumed by reactions in a measured solution. It is commonly expressed in mass of oxygen consumed over volume of solution which in SI units is milligrams per litre(mg/L). A COD test can be used to easily quantify the amount of organics in water. The most common application of COD is in quantifying the amount of oxidizable pollutants found in surface water (e.g. lakes and rivers) or wastewater. COD is useful in terms of water quality by providing a metric to determine the effect an effluent will have on the receiving body much like biochemical oxygen demand (BOD).

Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD, also called biological oxygen demand) is the amount of dissolved oxygen needed (i.e., demanded) by aerobic biological organisms to break down organic material present in a given water sample at certain temperature over a specific time period.

Thermal desorption spectroscopy (TDS), also known as temperature programmed desorption (TPD) is the method of observing desorbed molecules from a surface when the surface temperature is increased. Many researchers prefer the name TPD because it is not a spectroscopic method.

Total suspended solids (TSS) is the dry-weight of particles trapped by a filter. It is a water quality parameter used for example to assess the quality of wastewater after treatment in a wastewater treatment plant. It is listed as a conventional pollutant in the U.S. Clean Water Act.[1]
TSS was previously called non-filterable residue (NFR), but was changed to TSS because of ambiguity in other scientific disciplines.
Andean trade promotion and drug Eradication act.
CBTPA : Caribbean basin trade partnership act.

DHHC: Several proteins containing DHHC domains have been implicated in human disease.

DETOX : The hospital ward or clinic in which patients are detoxified

Collectively known as 3TG
tantalum, A hard, grey, lustrous metallic element that is highly resistant to corrosion; occurs in niobite, fergusonite, and tantalite
tin, A silvery malleable metallic element that resists corrosion; used in many alloys and to coat other metals to prevent corrosion; obtained chiefly from cassiterite where it occurs as tin oxide
tungsten, A heavy gray-white metallic element; the pure form is used mainly in electrical applications; it is found in several ores including wolframite and scheelite

(collectively known as 3TG) in its products.

Tantalum, Tin, tungsten

ABORTIVE this term has found from ITS inspection (Failing to succeed; unsuccessful, Imperfectly developed)

SOP standard operating procedure

Tantalum: A hard, grey, lustrous metallic element that is highly resistant to corrosion; occurs in niobite, fergusonite, and tantalite

Tin : A silvery malleable metallic element that resists corrosion; used in many alloys and to coat other metals to prevent corrosion; obtained chiefly from cassiterite where it occurs as tin oxide

Gold : A soft yellow malleable ductile (trivalent and univalent) metallic element; occurs mainly as nuggets in rocks and alluvial deposits; does not react with most chemicals but is attacked by chlorine and aqua regia

Tungsten : A heavy gray-white metallic element; the pure form is used mainly in electrical applications; it is found in several ores including wolframite and scheelite

Smelter : An industrial plant for smelting

FCA (Free Carrier) for Air Collect
CPT (Carriage Paid To) for Air repaid

AIT : Advance income tax
Research And Development. Discovering new knowledge about products, processes, and services, and then applying that knowledge to create new and improved products, processes, and services that fill market needs

December 5, 2011
Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP)
Sewage Treatment Plant (STP)
Water Treatment Plant (WTP)
Initial Environmental Examination (IEE)
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
Environmental Management Plan (EMP)

Work should be correct from the first time routinely
Change is treating as an opportunity
Work should be with enjoyment
Proper time maintain and on time reply
One rules for all no different rules will be allowed
Balance with changes – need adjust with current environment situation

July 27, 09
Electroplate : Coat with metal by electrolysis. Electrolysis : (chemistry) a chemical decomposition reaction produced by passing an electric current through a solution containing ions

Test requirement : Lead Free, Nickle free, AZO free, ferrous and Need Metal detector pass report

CST : color supplier specially for pigment dye and this dye stuff comes in pest or wet form

ODC : over dimentional container

ACR : annual confidential report or ACR

Test requirement : Lead Free, Nickle free, AZO free, ferrous and Need Metal detector pass report

ruched : (of cloth) having tight elastic folds

A rat race is a term used for an endless, self-defeating or pointless pursuit.

Electroplate : Coat with metal by electrolysis
Electrolysis : (chemistry) a chemical decomposition reaction produced by passing an electric current through a solution containing ions
Formaldehyde : A colorless poisonous gas; made by the oxidation of methanol
AZO : Relating to or containing the azo radical

Lyocell is a generic name of a cellulose regenerated fiber, actually it’s
same as tencel which is a registered brand name with tag.

তারিখ: ফেব্রুয়ারী ১০, ২০২০

রেটিং করুনঃ ,

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