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চলমান জীবন ধারায় উন্নত ও জ্ঞানময় ভাবনায় চলাচল। – মার্চ ২০২১ ( দ্বিতীয় ভাগ)

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জীবনের চলার পথে Practical বা ব্যবহারিক জ্ঞানময় ভাবনায় চলাচল খুবই গুরুত্বপূর্ণ।

The right age to marry a girl is when she ready for marriage physically and mentally. It’s not her age, it’s about her decision.

The trainer replied: when those elephants were very young and smaller we used the same(Small) size rope to tie them, and at this age, they believe the rope can still hold them, so never they to break free.
Moral : No matter what people told you to discourage, you have to always believe in yourself to achieve success !

It’s easy to watch him struggle from behind. It takes a good heart to come and offer help.. Here humanity is above everything.

It is called that if heart size is bigger than brain then Brain is smaller, on the other hand if Brain is smaller than heart then Heart is bigger !

It is so called the it is general story of middle class family where father were torn sandal and son were costly shoo !

Sometimes your responsibility is bigger than your dreams and happiness.

Expression of eyes can be read by everyone. But depression of heart can be read only by the close one. Care for everyone but don’t lose the close one.

Try to understand people before trusting them. Because we are living in such a world where artificial lemon flavor is used for welcome drink and real dream is used in finger bowl- APJ Kalam.

If you stand for a reason, be prepared to stand alone like a tree. And if you fall on the ground, fall like a seed that grows back to fight again – APJ Kalam.

সূত্র: সংগৃহিত।
তারিখ: মার্চ ২২, ২০২১

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