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BSCI – Business Social Compliance Initiative

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SAAS has previously provided technical assistance and verification to the Business Social Compliance Initiative (BSCI) as a means of promoting workplace conditions in accordance with human rights, ILO conventions and national labor law. BSCI, a program of the Foreign Trade Association of Europe, is designed to improve working conditions for the suppliers of BSCI’s participating member companies.

Members involved in BSCI are retail, trade, and manufacturing companies actively participating in the auditing and integration of suppliers into the BSCI qualification and auditing program.

BSCI has previously contracted with SAAS to conduct surveillance of BSCI audits and auditing companies to verify that BSCI auditing protocols are being followed. The auditing measures provide better insight into the audit quality and, at minimum, include a regular schedule of SAAS office audits and shadow audits of BSCI auditing companies and auditors. At this time, SAAS has ceased its oversight activities on behalf of BSCI and BSCI has developed other arrangements for its oversight program.

সূত্র: ইন্টারনেট
তারিখ: মে ২৯, ২০২১

রেটিং করুনঃ ,

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