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RO systems for recycling waste water

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RO systems for recycling waste water

Reverse Osmosis is a water purification technology that is used to purify the drinking water. In places where there is a high TDS (Total Dissolved salts) content in water, this system is used to filter and improving water quality for drinking. While purifying water for drinking, only 25% of the water fed into it as input will turn to drinking water. The remaining 75% will be wasted.

Challenges presented by RO systems for recycling waste water.

When designing your RO system, you have to take care with the pre-treatment processes to ensure that the waste water can be reused. A low density polyethylene mesh netting is usually utilised in RO membranes as a brine spacer. When you recycle water that contains a lot of suspended solids, then these solids can get lodged in the brine spacer plugging it up.
Similar issues can also result from a high level of organics that are present in biologically treated wastewaters. These organic particles are usually turned down by the RO membranes, so as the wastewater flows through the membranes, these organics accumulate and get concentrated. Such high levels of concentrated organics are a breeding ground for bacteria and can defile the membrane.
Another problem that can occur while treating some wastewaters through your RO system is calcium phosphate scaling. Scaling is quite an irksome issue and can only be reduced by using an antiscalant or changing the operating conditions to lessen the input of phosphate in the feed.
All these issues force the RO system to work at a higher pressure, which in turn causes consumption of more power and costs, and also reduces the life of the membrane. So in order to have an optimum condition, proper pre-treatment of the feed water is required.
How to re-use the waste water from Reverse Osmosis Filter?
Reverse Osmosis Filter rejects 75% of water and only 25% of the water gets extracted as drinking Water. For eg: If you need a one liter pure drinking water, the system rejects 3 to 4 liter of water as hard water. Therefore, Household Reverse Osmosis rejects the water through house drains and in a day discharge between 20 and 90 gallons of waste-water.
The waste water from Reverse Osmosis Filter may not be pure for drinking purpose, but can be used for washing clothes, cleaning floors and watering plants or washing car etc. For re-using the waste water from Reverse Osmosis Filter, instead of letting the water through house drains, you can collect the rejected water in a container or storage tank and the water can be reused for non-drinking purpose like washing clothes, cleaning floors and watering plants or washing car etc.

সূত্র: ইন্টারনেট থেকে সংগৃহিত।
তারিখ: মে ২৫, ২০২১

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